Golden Wheat | Aberdeen Portrait Photographer

It is Augusut, the season when fields are covered in golden wheat crops ready to be harvested.
The wheat will soon hit the mills and be converted into flour, cereal etc.
In April we were told our daughter may have Coeliac and in May we had a positive blood test. The only way to confirm Coeliac is by doing a biopsy of her intestine and after a long wait we have finally received our hospital appointment.
So as I took my daughter to this stunning field of golden wheat it was not only a photo session of her the day before becoming a school girl it was also shoot with a connotation although one that she is too young to understand.
She is wearing a Matilda Jane dress. MJ is a Home Party/online clothing line in the US and is definately popular in this house. If you like their clothing line and would like to order, please get in contact.
Would you like to book a photoshoot? Please email me for further information.
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  • DonnaAugust 19, 2010 - 8:28 pm

    Gorgeous photos again Evy, Donna xReplyCancel

  • BarbroAugust 19, 2010 - 8:33 pm

    vakre bilder av nydelige jenta di, snuppa 🙂
    så trasig å høre at hun har cøliaki 🙁
    enda godt man kan leve godt med denne sykdommen da, selv om det er litt tilvenning i begynnelsen. du blir nok en kløpper til å bake med glutenfritt mel!
    nattaklem fra megReplyCancel
